Plain and simple it was one of those weeks that was determined to be an uphill battle. We have all had them and there will likely be more in our future. What pulls us through these weeks or days can be the smallest of life pleasures and gifts. The smell of a hyacinth, reminding us of the season to come, or the comfort of our bed, with the hopes of getting in it by 8:00. For me it was an egg ! The simple beauty of arranging them in a bowl, with all their shades and colors , reminding me how different every creature truly is and that each has a gift to offer. On top of the fact that they provide a nourishing meal to feed your stomach and soul. So this week I pay homage to my chickens and thank them for getting me through the week. Oddly even with the lack of sunlight my girls are laying like crazy . If you are having one of those weeks or days let me know. I would be gladly provide you with their amazing gifts. -Hulse Hill Farm